writing community

writing - Community

The writing community is the meeting place for everyone who loves the written word and loves to immerse themselves in stories. The Unperfekthaus offers many opportunities to become visible with your own books and to network with like-minded people: Regulars’ tables invite you to exchange ideas, authors can educate themselves at workshops and coaching sessions and they become productive together at regular co-working meetings. Authors and their readers meet at readings, release parties and meet & greets. And if you just want to write for yourself, you will always find a place for it.

Wenn Du magst, dann genieße das Miteinander mit anderen. Denn in jeder Community ist eine Person, die alles koordiniert und Projekte, Feiern, Vorträge, Ausflüge uvm. organisiert.

Tip: Come to the common writing day! This is a casual co-working meetup for writers where we hit the keys together almost every Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 6pm. You can sit down and work on your stories at any time during the day. The focus is on writing, but in between there is always time for a short chat.

Current dates here!

The writing community is led by Sarah Sauer, and you can reach her using this form:


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