gaming community

Games - community

Playing alone sucks. do you think so too? Then just come to us in Uph!

Here you can: Find fellow players or just a cool place to play, chat with others about your favorite games, or just enjoy the great atmosphere while developing your own game.

And because playing Pen&Paper alone is a lot dumber, you can also use the Pen&Paper partner exchange to find fellow players or champions or simply find an area that is suitable for you and your round. Once a month there is a big games meeting, to which everyone is cordially invited. Come and play!

Gaming community website

Wenn Du magst, dann genieße das Miteinander mit anderen. Denn in jeder Community ist eine Person, die alles koordiniert und Projekte, Feiern, Vorträge, Ausflüge uvm. organisiert.

This community is led by Maren Meiwald, and you can reach her via this form:


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